Pauper Meta Report - Pauper Will NOT Change
Table of Contents Pauper Brews Pauper seems set to stay the same, with no major changes happening anytime soon. This is the message that the Pauper Format Panel (PFP) has been sending throughout the year, and the lack of ban changes on October 16th further emphasized this. Best creature in Pauper Before we dive deeper, I want to highlight a few points. My intention isn't to criticize or side with the PFP. They're simply the individuals chosen to represent the format and have the authority to make changes. The opinions in this article are solely mine, based on what I've observed as an active player in this format. They are subjective and reflect my personal viewpoint. With that clarified, let's proceed. The Facts I get why they chose not to change anything. They seem to view the paper and online environments as distinct entities rather than a unified whole. Also, it must be quite a challenge to balance the format, especially with the numerous sets relea